Portfolio Management

Supporting and empowering innovative
SMEs with high growth potential

Our partners

GMP Capital

GMP CAPITAL, a company authorized by the Financial Market Council to carry out portfolio management activities for the account of third parties through participation with a view to its retrocession or sale, aiming to enhance investment opportunities and equity capital of companies (Private Equity).

GMP CAPITAL is authorized to manage Venture capital Funds (VC), Seed Funds, Specialized Investment Funds (SIF), and Fund of Funds (FoF) in accordance with current regulations.

GMP CAPITAL manages funds that invest in equity and/or quasi-equity in Tunisian SMEs with the aim of:

  • Maximizing investment profitability,
  • Supporting SMEs in their development,
  • Contributing to innovation and economic development,
  • Promoting responsible and sustainable management.

Code of Ethics
and Conduct


Identify, support, and accelerate innovative SMEs with high growth potential.


To become a leading player in the private equity ecosystem in Tunisia, creating a lasting impact through support for the most promising SMEs.


Ethics Innovation Commitment Responsibility Compliance Adaptability


ADVANCED FUND is a Venture Capital Fund (FCPR) benefiting from a simplified procedure, as provided by the Collective Investment Schemes Code.
ADVANCED FUND is an FCPR reserved for informed investors as defined by the applicable regulations.

CMF Approval : Issuance Prospectus

The management objectives of FCPR ADVANCED FUND are :

  • Maximizing returns for investors,
  • Supporting innovation by financing innovative projects and companies, and
  • Committing to promote RESPONSIBLE and SUSTAINABLE development through an investment policy that adheres to Environmental and Social Standards as adopted by the World Bank.

FCPR ADVANCED FUND aims to consider not only the financial returns and innovation potential of target projects but also their environmental and social impacts, as well as corporate governance considerations.

Companies Supported by GMP Capital

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your project